How’s your hips and back feeling after a long day of work? Add these 4 slightly more advance exercises into your daily exercise routine for stronger hips and back. You will literally feel the tension of the muscles loosen up when performing
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I woke up one morning and slowly rolled onto my side, dug my elbow into the mattress and propped myself upright. What happened to my usual, sit upright and twist and away I go? If this happens to you more frequently, I
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Don’t you love the hint of autumn in the air? I sure do! It’s a new month and it happens to be September. This time of year always feels like it’s a restart to the year again. The craziness of summer activities
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When you’re overwhelmed with work deadlines, family commitments, business travels and everything else you’re responsible for, trying to find perfect exercises for your fitness goal becomes exhausting. So I’m going to show you a way to stay consistent and keep fat loss
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As with many things in life there are ups and downs. This goes for relationships, jobs, family and health. And as a personal health coach, I had a period of my own ups and downs with health and fitness. The down for
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For some of you who grew up in the 80’s, do you remember the days of the yellowy spongy goodness of a cream filled twinkie? What about the hard crust chocolatey shell of the wagon wheel and of course, one of my
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It has been an awesome busy week and I have had a great time training clients, athletes and myself! All of the training took place at a number of different locations throughout the lower mainland and following are the locations and a
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well, i just go back from a quick visit to Ontario. And although I didn’t hit a gym I did manage to keep moving the majority of the time. Something as simple as going for a walk with my little nephew. So
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I attended the Better Living Expo this past weekend at the new convention center. I’ve never been to one so really didn’t know what to expect. There were tons of vendors and it included everything from oragnic clothing to orgranic pet snacks
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We had some amazing sunshine this past week. It was awesome to see the warm weather finally arrive. So I took full advantage of it. I manage to take a few breaks throughout the day in between slaving away at the computer
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