Do you feel pain right in the butt?
In this video you will discover a few simple mobility exercises and stretches to help relieve your sciatica pain. If you are feeling minor discomfort in your sciatica, performing these exercises may help relieve your sciatica pain.
Sciatica pain can prevent you from doing your simple daily tasks. Perform each movement slow and adjust as you need. I recommend doing each exercise a few times a day to help improve hip mobility and relieving your sciatica pain.
*Disclaimer – Before you begin, consult your physician before attempting any exercises. This is not a cure or guaranteed to relieve you of all your physical pain. The exercises are a to be used as information. Use at your own risk.
If you’re looking for more resources on how to relieve your sciatica pain, I have a free guide you can download right now,
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Stay fit and pain free anywhere,
Coach Joe
Mobility Strength Coach
P.S. If you’re new to my posts and videos, please subscribed to my Youtube channel. I share weekly videos on pain relief tips, exercises and strategies.