Sun, rain, wind, calm waters, you can find every weather condition on the same day on the Sunshine coast. I have never had the pleasure of experiencing this natural piece of beauty and was invited to come along a fitness vacation. Simone Lovell, owner of Eat Play Love Fitness, books 5 star fitness vacations not only along the Sunshine Coast but throughout British Columbia. This time we were at Pender Harbour at the Painted Boat.

Each day was packed with activities and meals structured to maximize the most out of each vacationer. Simone had certified personal trainers, myself and Martin who trains over at Target Fitness, to help instruct and keep everyone motivated. From cardio bootcamp circuits and challenging hikes to myofascial release and hot tub soaking. Each participant was educated and fully exhausted at the end of the day.

The food was one of my favourite elements during this whole weekend. Nutrition and healthy eating habits is the vital block in why individuals fail to meet their fat loss goals. The meals were made with mostly organic and natural products which you can find at any local grocer. Multi grain pancakes and veggie omelettes for breakfast, lettuce turkey tacos for lunch and spinach feta stuffed chicken for dinner. The lime avocado salad was refreshing and simple to make. This was just a sample of quick and easy meals to get your full nutritional intake. There was also dessert! Mmmmmmmmmm, chocolate flavoured coconut bliss ice cream with dark chocolate pieces. All recipes were provided by Tara Merko, a Nutrition Coach and a good friend of mine.

This is a fantastic way to give your body the change it needs especially if you’ve been struggling to lose fat and needing motivation. Simone’s enthusiasm rubs off on everyone and you can’t help but be truly inspired to continue a healthier and active lifestyle. Even for myself, a weekend without any junk in my body, I don’t want to fuel it with anything less than nutritious and colourful foods. I found easy ways to replace and create quick meals so there are no excuses.

You can find more information at Eat Play Love Fitness on their next fitness vacation but hurry it’s booking up quick.

Joe Cheng – PTS, TSCC-1
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