Wow, 15 years in the health and fitness industry and I’m still going strong. I have acquired an abundance of fitness knowledge, exercise skills, professional confidence and “ego jargon”. I listened, learned and adapted. My early years as a personal trainer was all about learning “cool” exercises to get people results. They were fancy exercises like the double body ball plankand bosu pushup burpees. I gravitated to other “cool” and very useful pieces of equipment like the TRX and kettebells that I still use today. I also started memorising big technical terms for muscle groups and the functionality of each linked muscle. And I would use this to impress my co-workers, potential clients and my boss. I still use all my knowledge from the past but I have changed and now I get to the point; simplifying fitness with my Free Unworkout Exercise Method.  It’s for beginner exercisers to discover they own way to Get Fit Anywhere. You will schedule your own way to exercise smarter and with consistency, Stay Fit Anywhere.

I instruct my clients in words and terms which doesn’t complicate and become overwhelming. Teaching and educating is an important goal of mine for each and every person I meet. Looking back, I complicated teaching a squat exercise. I used terms and phrases like eccentrically flex your hip and control the gluteus maximus and hamstring and eccentrically dorsiflex the ankle…huh? Who was I trying to impress? I’ve taken all the jargon out and basically, it’s sitting and standing. There is your squat. Of course it’s not quite as trivial as that. There are movement mechanics which you still need to learn to make sure the muscles are all working together throughout your day of sitting and standing.

My past and current clients have always appreciated the extra anatomy lesson during our personal training sessions but I have found they were just as content not knowing all the Latin terms for each muscle. In the end, they wanted to know each exercise was performed correctly and it brought them one step closer to their goal.

If you are overwhelmed with all the new fad exercise and fitness lingo, follow me on my blog and social media. Even if this isn’t exactly you, that’s ok, I hope to leave you with some different insight and amusement. But if you are looking to break out of the funk and finally do something to improve your body, subscribe to my Tips List below where I will share with you all my fitness secrets.

Joe Cheng – Personal Online Wellness Coach

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