Crutches are a PAIN to use!

If you’re looking for other options besides using the painful traditional crutches, then this video is for you.

My my achilles tendon rupture left me immobile and I mainly laid around on my couch. And even when I manage to get upright with the traditional crutches, my armpit and hands were sore all the time and my hands were always occupied holding the crutches.

However, I was fortunate to receive the iWalk Knee Crutch from the company for my long rehab. And it made a huge difference right away in terms of how productive I was. This also improved my mood!

Here’s my review of the iWalk Knee Crutch and the way I used it during the weeks of recovery from my achilles tendon rupture until I was able to be off crutches entirely.

I would recommend the iWalk knee crutch if you meet all the requirements that are listed on the website. It’s was the most useful device for me in terms of improving my mobility and day to day tasks.

If you’re interested in purchasing the iWalk Knee Crutch, here are my affiliate links for the iWalk Knee Crutch:

P.S. If you found this helpful.

Here’s the youtube playlist for my Achilles Rupture Injury and Rehab.

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⏩ If you found this beneficial, share it with someone who could use it too. Let’s spread the word!

Coach Joe
Mobility Fitness Coach

*Disclaimer – Before you begin, consult your physician before attempting any exercises. This is not a cure or guaranteed to relieve you of all your physical pain. The exercises are a to be used as information. Use at your own risk.

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