Your life is hectic and your mental and physical health continues to suffer.
You’ve been struggling to stay in decent health so you can have the work life balance you desperately want. But work, family and life problems keep piling on. The last thing you have is TIME!
It’s Exhausting!
I’m an entrepreneur, a dad and husband. There’s two little kids who need constant entertaining, a business which requires personalized attention and a wife who I want to spend more time with. All this while squeezing in home repairs, yard work and all the little annoying tasks so the house doesn’t entirely fall apart. So I get it when you feel there’s just no time for yourself. Let alone doing an hour workout.
This is why The StayFitAnywhere Club exists.
- You want to be get fit in less time.
- You want to lose the extra fat and get leaner.
- You want to regain your youthful energy to last the entire day.
- You want to say YES to social events, to your kids asking to play, to countless activities you’ve been putting off.
- You want an effective exercise solution to get you real results that also fits into your busy schedule
How will The SFA Club Help?
You will discover bite-sized exercise routines delivered to your own private account where you will receive your weekly trackable workouts through your choice of an app or desktop website.
Each week you’ll receive one quick 10-15min bite-sized exercise routine which can be done at your own pace and comfort of your home, gym or anywhere you prefer.
Each routine includes exercise video demonstrations, recommended reps, duration and optional specific instructions.
Each week is themed and will cycle between mobility, strength, cardiovascular and performance exercises. This combination will provide you the best optimal conditioning for a healthy mind and body.
You will have a private and public group message area where you can freely share your progress, challenges and supports other members.
You will finally get the results you’ve been putting off and transform your fitness life.

Imagine enjoying the things you love doing for years to come. This is what it means to living a higher quality of life.
You can achieve this by starting today. You will transform your mind and body feeling pain free, strong and lean in The StayFitAnywhere Club.
I don’t have that much free time, will I get results?
Even if you only have 10 mins a day. Your weekly routines are designed to move your body through stacked movement patterns of push, pull and twist. Your muscles will move in specific ways to improve muscle imbalance and compensation. Muscle imbalance and compensation can stress your body, cause inflammation, consume extra energy and overwork the larger muscle groups. And best of all, these bite sized routines fits into your schedule.
Eliminating this loaded stress on your body allows for you to have the energy.
When you realize 10 minutes a day out of 10080 minutes in your week is only 0.007% of your total time, you begin to give your one and only body the time it deserves.
What if I can’t motivate myself to keep going?
My friend, I’ve coached thousands of individuals just like you.
Motivation plays relatively a small part. You need a little bit of motivation to get the ball rolling. The rest is all discipline and mindset. In The StayFitAnywhere Club, you will receive a weekly calendar where you can adjust your bite-sized routine to a day and time which works best for you. You will also receive continuous support from and me and other members to stay disciplined and engaged. Discipline and community is how you will achieve results.
Take a moment to visualize how you’ll be living, what you will be doing when you’re getting leaner and stronger and having the extra pep in your step.
This means you enjoying running around with your kids more, you recapture your youthful energy to play, you have fun again like you were in your 20’s. You finally begin enjoying all the activities you were either too tired or in too much pain to do.
StayFitAnywhere Club Members:

The StayFitAnywhere Club is the lifestyle you NEED and results you WANT.
Join the countless of individuals who have rediscovered their passion to get out and play and enjoy life again.
Be a part of the SFA Club for only $12us/mth
No contract. Cancel anytime.
Every month in The StayFitAnywhere Club You Will:
Get stronger and leaner for sustainable energy and pain prevention
Challenge your body with new combinations of exercises and movements
Improve mental focus and physical conditioning to play and perform better
Don’t let Your Life Go By. Take Charge Now!