online coaching and custom programs

You’re body health is vital for you to enjoy everyday activities. Take a snapshot of how your body feels today and if you could snap your finger, imagine how you want your body to be feeling. Now let’s make that come true. I want to be your guide. Your journey is just beginning.

When you continue your training, your body will experience new levels of movement. It will be challenged with muscle confusion, cardiovascular intensity and neuromuscular adaptation. I want to offer you this one time special of 25% off my one of my one on one coaching programs. It’s your decision to choose which one.

Online One on One Coaching – 3 Month Coaching Program

This one on one coaching program allows you and I to work together. The routines and exercises will be tailored to your specific muscle pain and mobility. You will progress at a moderate pace to ensure you continually reduce pain and improve muscular strength to prevent the pain from reoccurring.

Specific Benefits and Features:

  • One on One personal coaching
  • Video Movement Screen
  • Weekly in-app check-ins
  • Bi-weekly zoom video re-assessments(optional)
  • Custom designed mobility/strength training program
  • Continuous communication and accountability
  • Progression testing
  • Nutritional guidance based on your health and fitness needs
  • Price: $399usd  $299

Monthly Online Coaching Membership – 1 on 1

This coaching subscription provides you a consistent strategy to help improve your mobility, prevent muscle pain and gain strength. The exercises are targeted to help you overcome your specific muscle pain and and increase range of motion. You can progress on your own schedule and be accountable to me to ensure you continually stay on the correct path. Let’s get your body working well!

Specific Benefits and Features:

  • One on One personal coaching
  • Weekly in-app check-ins
  • Custom designed coaching program
  • Continuous communication and accountability
  • Progression testing
  • Nutritional guidance based on your health and fitness needs
  • No commitment. Cancel anytime.
  • Price: $100usd/mth $75usd/mth

Outdoors or Indoors. Every program is designed for so you can take your training anywhere.

You will continue to see gains with your fitness, guaranteed!

I look forward to continue being your expert guide and helping you obliterate your initial fitness goal, achieve your desired physique and be the best version of yourself. ~Coach Joe