founding member invite

Founding Member StayFitAnywhere Club Invite


Who is this for:
  • the committed individual who is determined to prioritize their health
  • the open minded person who is willing to look beyond what they know
  • the compassionate individual who is willing to share with others their successes and failures to help others achieve health and fitness goals
  • most importantly, the individual who wants to put their own stamp on a life changing program
What do you need to start:
  • You don’t need any special equipment
  • You don’t need a lot of space
  • You do need 10 minutes of dedicated personal time
  • You do need something to track your experience for feedback
  • You do need to put on a smile every morning!

I’d like to personally invite you to join me as a founding member in the StayFitAnywhere Club. The purpose is to provide simple movements, strategies, motivation and accountability to help progress the countless of people who desperately want to improve their health. The initial idea is to cycle through 4 weekly themes. Each week will be one 5-10 minute mobility routine with no more than 4 exercises focused on a specific area and training method.  This is to ensure the pain does not become overwhelmed and gives the best opportunity for progression. 

It’s ok that you may not be an exercise expert or know anything progression training, that’s where I come in.  All I request is your continuous feedback on the exercises and routines I will be providing so the program can continually improve. You will have a voice on what you feel is beneficial and what improvements can be made. All your critique is welcomed. That’s what it means for you to be a founding member.

And you also will be receive the founding members pricing of only $10.50/mth for as long as you are a member.  For everyone else the membership price will be between $29.99/mth. 


There will only be 6 positions available as a founding member.

How long do you have to be a member?

There is absolutely not contractual obligation. You can be a member for as long as your feel it is worthwhile and beneficial to you.  Although, once you cease to be a founding member and would like to become a member again, all previous benefits will not apply including the founding member monthly price.

Here’s What to Do Next:

  1.  Register to become a Founding Member with the button above.
  2. When payment is made, look for your welcome email from me. Check your spam folder. Contact me if you haven’t received anything from me within 24hrs.
  3. Accept the invitation to my online training system from Trainerize.
  4. Complete the initial online assessment.
  5.  Provide honest feedback with the program and exercises.
  6. Have FUN!