Fresh air is good for your health. So exercising outdoors take your health to another level. Especially now when our world is challenged by COVID-19. Staying healthy and fit is even more paramount.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. You can still get fit, have fun and do your social distancing outside and even at playgrounds. You just gotta remember to wash wash wash your hands thoroughly after.

This video shows you how to have some fun along with really thinking outside the box of what workouts are. You may have been conditioned to think workouts are only done in gyms. But hopefully this will show you, gym exercises (even the machine exercises) can be transported and replicated anywhere.

So be creative while you’re feeling trapped being isolated in a small space. Any form of exercise will be beneficial to your mental and physical health.

If you want me to help you transport your gym workouts to your home or outdoors, I can definitely help. Email me .

If you’re new to my posts and videos, please subscribed to my Youtube channel. I will share weekly workouts, nutrition and exercise tips.

Stay fit and healthy anywhere,

Joe Cheng
Online Fitness and Wellness Coach